Forensic Consultant and Trainer

Louise has a degree in Biotechnology specialising in Toxicology and DNA from Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, as well as a Masters in Forensic Archeology and Crime Scene Investigation from the University of Bradford . She is currently a Lecturer and Researcher at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. As a lecturer she specialises in the collection, analysis and interpretation of biological trace evidence (with particular interests in Forensic Taphonomy and the implications to the identification and recovery of human remains).  She is also the co-ordinator of innovation projects which combines the need for new forensic techniques with young researchers interested in creating them for commercial use as well as on site applications. As a researcher she focusses on new applications of geophysical techniques for the recovery of human remains. New opportunities such as drones give way to a more efficient, less contaminated and possible real-time analysis for the search and recovery of human remains.