Independent Consultancy Services


To support the investigation services, we offer a range of expert consultant services. Our experts are regarded as being world leaders in their field and have had first-hand experience in assessing and formulating specialist forensic strategies. They are suitably trained and experienced to write Expert Witness reports and equally adept in presenting their findings in a court of law. All of our experts abide to the appropriate standards stated by relevant subject governing body, however where there is no such governance, they follow the guidelines in accordance with the Forensic Science Code of Practise and Conduct (FSR-C-100, Issue 6).  Detailed below are the services we can offer:

Forensic Archaeology

Forensic Anthropology

Disaster Victim Identification (DVI)

Forensic Taphonomy

Forensic Entomology

Forensic Botany

Forensic Detection Dogs

Forensic Geophysical

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

Fire Investigation

Crime Scene Management

Case Review

Digital Forensic Investigation

Quality Management